Adult Education

Making Sense of 2024

We are planning a series of four-or-so after-worship discussions in July and August, all related to the upcoming election in one way or another. Please join us when you can, and don’t worry if you miss a week or two. All sessions will be on Zoom and recorded for later viewing.

July 14 and 21: “The Ballot and the Bible” Click HERE to watch Part 1 Click HERE to watch Part 2

Kaitlyn Schiess has written an insightful book about the role certain Bible passages have played in our country’s political discourse, from the pilgrims to today. We’ll look at some of these passages and the author’s thoughts on how they have influenced our thinking. The full title is, “The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture has been Used and Abused in American Politics, and Where We Go From Here.”

July 28: Religious Freedom and Christian Nationalism

Kathie Huddleston will share a video from a conference she attended earlier this year and discuss issues related to the relationship between church and state.

August 4: “The Religious History of Abortion: Patriarchy and the Future of Religion”

This new book by longtime Westar scholar Bernard Brandon Scott was inspired by the Dobbs’ decision. It traces the philosophical, theological, and political roots of our present-day debate around abortion and reproductive rights. As you might guess, the word “patriarchy” comes up a few times. We’ll look at the author’s main points and hope to get a better sense of how we got here.

Southminster Reads

This year’s selection is “Poverty, by America” by Mathew Desmond. This book explores how and why the US has chosen, and continues to choose, to have a substantial portion of its people live in poverty, even while the number of billionaires increases. Desmond makes it clear that solutions are available, we just lack the political will to implement them.

We encourage you to read this book between now and September when we will discuss these issues as a congregation. The book is widely available in libraries and stores, and we have purchased some copies to be passed around, so as many people as possible get the chance to participate. If you would like to borrow one of these copies, please speak to Janet Cruz or Dan Rasmussen.

Church Library

Please remember that we have a library for your reading enjoyment and enlightenment. Stop by Room 7 to check out our collection of books on the Bible, theology, and current issues. There are also some reference works on the shelves in the Conference Room. Feel free to borrow (and return) books that you find interesting.

Previous Adult Ed Seminars:

Constantine & The Beginning of Mystical Christianity (#1)
What caused some early Christians to head out to the desert or into the mountains to lead lives of contemplation? Pastor Scott presents some of these historic forces at work in the development of Christian mysticism. Click HERE to watch.

  • Sunday, Feb. 18           The Desert Fathers and Mothers (#2) – Click HERE to watch.
  • Sunday, Feb. 25           Julian of Norwich (#3) – Click HERE to watch.
  • Sunday, Mar. 3          St. Francis and Clare of Assisi (#4) – Click HERE to watch.
  • Sunday, Mar. 10        Dark Night of the Soul (#5) – Click HERE to watch.
  • Sunday, Mar. 17        St. Therese of Lisieux (#6) – Click HERE to watch.
  • Sunday, Mar. 24        Thomas Merton (#7) – Click HERE to watch.

First Tuesday Book Group

Adult Education leads a book study on the first Tuesday of each month with books on Social Justice and Progressive Theology.  This is a drop-in club.  Some people come every month, and others come when the topic or book is of particular interest. All are welcome to a time of fellowship and lively discussion for readers. Click here to view the 2023-2024 reading list PDF. You can also join our Group on

Join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 926 7484 8140 Passcode: 622600

Church Activism – Ongoing

The Adult Education and Mission Committees are working together to encourage new Southminster Activism efforts.  Several will be focused on with Sunday Starter modules this year.  Activism teams are Gun Violence Prevention; Climate and Environmental Justice; Women’s Health Justice; Immigration Justice; Mental Health and Criminal Justice; and Homelessness and Hunger.  Watch the Southminster News for more information or to join a team.