General Assembly Needs You!

The 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be held in Portland, OR from June 18 to 25, 2016 at the Oregon Convention Center. There are hundreds of volunteer opportunities available during GA, as well as volunteer opportunities pre and post GA. We are counting on your help as we extend the gift of hospitality to our many commissioners, delegates and guests.   You may select from a variety of volunteer opportunities by clicking on any of the volunteer categories listed under…

Volunteer Opportunities by Category

Find a position that interests you and sign up. It’s that easy! Feel free to sign up for one or as many volunteer positions and shifts as you like.

As a volunteer, your badge allows you to attend worship and observe plenary sessions during General Assembly at no cost.

Southminster will be hosting up to 50 commissioners and guests for Sunday Worship, June 19.   It will be a potluck and church members are asked to bring food for ourselves and 50 more!  Table and chair set up, you know, the works. Our Community Life Committee is overseeing this venture.

We are excited to welcome Patricia Tull to lead worship on June 19.  She is A.B. Rhodes Professor Emerita at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the author of Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis.

On June 26, we welcome Veda Gill to the pulpit. Veda is the executive director of the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan.   Our ancestors in the Presbyterian Church USA sent missionaries to Pakistan to start schools in the 1800s. These schools were taken over by the Government of Pakistan and then returned to the PCUSA in the early 1990s.  They now provide important education for girls both Christian and Muslim.
It is exciting to have two strong, inspiring women in the pulpit at Southminster while General Assembly meets in Portland.