Children’s Ministry – June 2016

Every Sunday Morning

         10:00am    Children’s time in worship

         10:15am    Off we go to Sunday School!

         10:55am    Children’s Sing Along

         11:00am    Dismissal (Mr. Maldarelli has been bringing the little  ones back to you to experience the end of worship  time!) 


Welcome to June!  As we bring our school year to a close, I’d like to look forward to summer.

We are on the hunt for a teacher to replace the volunteering Kathy Ludwig.  If you know of anyone, or are interested yourself, see Don Ludwig or myself.

Our last choir performance will happen in June, and we will take a summer break until the Fall, from the Southminstrels.  It has been a pleasure making music with the kiddos and I look forward to next season.

Be on the lookout for a few summer time Children’s Ministry outings…to be announced soon!

Thank you for all you do!  Mr. Maldarelli