40th Annual Southminster Women’s Retreat – April 29-May 1, 2016
Self Care/ World Care: Exploring Spiritual Practices
Southminster’s women’s retreat is an annual gathering of our community of women. A planning committee has been working on a program that will provide mind-body-soul connection, and deepen our sense of community at Southminster. Together we will explore the topic of Spiritual Practices. What are the common building blocks of Spiritual Practices? Do you have a favorite practice? Looking for a new one? How do Spiritual Practices benefit ourselves and the greater community? Can Spiritual practices be fun or are they only serious. Let’s explore together!
For many of us, Women’s Retreat itself is a Spiritual Practice we value greatly. Our unofficial motto is “We are never more open to the Spirit than when we are laughing.”
With that in mind, our main program presentation is:
Enriching Our Lives Through Laughter — With Leigh Anne Jasheway
Leigh Anne Jasheway, M.P.H. (master of public health/mistress of public humor) is a stress management and humor expert who helps people manage stress, embrace change, and become healthier by learning to lighten up. She speaks at 30-40 conferences and workshops every year and is a member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH). She is the author of 21 books and the 2003 winner of the National Erma Bombeck Humor Writing Award for her true story on how her first mammogram caught on fire.
Leigh Anne will facilitate an interactive program that will deepen our appreciation for the role laughter plays in our lives and world. We will gain insights and activities so that we might increase our experiences of laughter and consider laughter as a Spiritual Practice.
Other Retreat activities include: Soul Collage, Interplay, Singing, Book Discussion, Canoeing, Hiking, Write a Morning Prayer, Sunday Worship and of course….the Big Swing!
The retreat is held at the Tilikum Retreat Center in Newberg Oregon. Camp Tilikum is A Ministry of Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers). Located only an hour from Beaverton, Tilikum is deep in Yamhill County wine country and has the feeling of a country get-a-way. The 90 acre grounds are a combination of woods and farm, lake and fields surrounding a comfortable 50+ bed residence and dining hall.
To Register:
Download the registration form from Southminster’s website: www.southmin.org
Submit registration form and $175 registration fee to Church Office by April 17.
Questions? Contact Sue Kozak: 503-453-2133 or cosmokozak@yahoo.com