Each year, every church pays a Per Capita Apportionment to Cascade Presbytery, which pays for staff in our governing body and the administrative costs of our denomination. It is based on the number of active members in the congregation, so each church pays a proportionally equal amount. Southminster share this year is $7,681.73, which we have already paid in full to the Cascade Presbytery.
Have you sent in you portion? Can’t find that little blue envelope? No problem! The Per Capita this year is $29.89 for each member of your household who is a member of Southminster. Make a check and write ‘Per Capita’ in the memo line, send it to the office or drop it in the offering plate.
Thank you so much for all your support of the church. We are very blessed at Southminster, indeed.
Your Trustees,
June Carlson, Rick Collins & Craig Butler